Joining Friends of the Communist Caucus does not require you to 100% agree with all points. General agreement is perfectly fine! Members of the Friends of the Communist Caucus are free to vote as they please. As an auxiliary club of DSA Communist Caucus, we want to build a broader space for our members to talk politics, as well as provide support for those looking to navigate the often confusing and sometimes factional waters of national convention season. ‘Friends’ will provide the following to those who want to link up with us:
Before the Convention:
- Analysis and updates on convention related matters through the FCC mailing list.
- Invitations to townhalls, debates, and discussions on convention issues.
- Training and support for running as a convention delegate in your local chapter.
- Training and support for building a convention delegate slate for your local chapter, if you’re into that kind of thing.
- Official DSA Communist Caucus endorsement for delegate candidacy, if you think it would help your run!
During the Convention:
- A built-in support system for engaging in the convention, including navigating complex Robert’s Rules procedures and votes.
- Clear advice on voting on proposals and candidates.
- Fellowship and friendship with like-minded comrades.
- Invitations to the Friends of the Communist Caucus Convention Party.
- FCC swag (stay tuned)!
After the Convention:
- A post-convention reflection event with Communist Caucus and FCC members.
- Next steps for how we advance our strategy in DSA: it’s not a matter of resolutions alone or even first, but follow through and coordinated activity to make our organization what we want it to be.
- Great memories with badass comrades from across the US.